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Your chosen host:

Trusted by Neo Agency

More than halfway there! PICK YoUR HOSTING

Hosting stores your website’s files online so people can visit your site. Without it, your website wouldn’t be online. Select one of the tabs below to see which type of hosting best suits you.

As an individual, perhaps running a portfolio we’d recommend:

Ultimate Managed WordPress

includes website security

Suitable for: portfolios, freelancers, hobbyists, authors, photographers etc.

As a small business owner, we would recommend the following hosting plan.

Suitable for: salons, barbers, trades people, florists, etc.

Ultimate Managed WordPress

includes website security

As an online store, we’d recommend either of the below hosting plans.

Ultimate Managed WordPress

Suitable for: online retailers selling anything online.

includes website security

Web Hosting Plus

Suitable for: high-traffic online shops.


WooCommerce Hosting

Includes over £4000 a years worth of WooCommerce add-ons.

Suitable for: membership and subsription based websites.

includes website security

As a large business owner, you require robust power—an infrastructure capable of seamlessly handling thousands of monthly visitors without any disruptions. To achieve this, we highly recommend considering one of the following options.

Web Hosting Plus


Managed Dedicated Server


Once you’ve purchased the hosting plan that best suits you. Move onto the next stage.
